Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bennett's Blood Work

We got Bennett's iron and thyroid tested again on December 20th. In November the ferritin level in his blood was a 6, with normal levels being between 24 and 36. I have been educating myself on all this of course...the ferritin level in the blood tells us how much iron Bennett has stored in his system. Anything below a 12 basically means that the blood is depleted of all iron stores.

In November his hemoglobin level was a 8.5, with normal being between 11 and 14. The hemoglobin level is the measure of the iron that is actually in the blood. They did not re-test the ferritin level...obviously, the blood has to have enough iron in it before it can store anything, but his hemoglobin level is now a 10.5. We have really noticed a change in Bennett since giving him the supplements. He is more active and alert, has more strength and doesn't sleep as much...hardly at all actually!:) I am so thankful that his body can absorb iron, that the level actually went up. He will never cease to amaze us. I am also glad our pediatrician is so on top of things. We will have it re-checked at his next appointment on February 2nd.

1 comment:

Leia H said...

That's GREAT news!! I can't believe I forgot to ask about that. Will they test both levels in Feb then?