Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bennett Turned 7 Months!

Our sweetie-pie is 7 months old now. I can't believe we have crossed over the half way mark to a year already. As you can see from the pictures, he was thrilled to have them taken this month!:) Right now Bennett loves to watch his brother play, he loves to laugh and be loud, is really good at spitting, and has really mastered rolling from his tummy to his back!

We went to his 6 month well-child exam this morning...our pediatrician is great but not very available, so this was the first we could get in. Bennett currently weighs 14 pounds, 3 ounces and is 25.5 inches long. His head circumference is 42 centimeters. At his 4 month well-child exam he was between the 10th and 25th percentile for length and weight. Now he is right at the 5th percentile for length and is well below the 5th percentile for weight. Dr. Nau has some concerns about his growth, so we headed off to the lab for more tests. I felt so bad for Bennett. They decided to try and take blood from his arm this time since they needed quite a bit. They tried to find a vein in his right arm, but his veins are so little, they didn't have any luck. On the left arm, they got right in, he was so upset and tired by then. Dr. Nau did a basic blood scan to look at his kidney and liver function, etc., a thyroid test, and also took a look at if he is getting enough calories.

We also discussed his gross motor development as he has fallen behind. Dr. Nau was going to refer us to PT, but I have been working with a couple of my OT co-workers on some exercises, so he agreed that would be enough for now. At Bennett's 9 month well-child exam we will see how he has progressed with his growth and development and if needed, Dr. Nau would like to send us back to Iowa City a little earlier than we planned (we were to take him back to the genetics department at 1 year).

We continue to trust that God has a plan for Bennett and he will keep him healthy. We pray that he will help Bennett gr0w steadily and gain strength, especially for the next couple of months.

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