Saturday, September 12, 2009

Whistle While You Work!

Bennett can whistle! This week we have finally confirmed that yes, indeed, we are hearing Bennett whistle. He does it when he is playing really hard and concentrating on something. It is on the intake of his breath. So cute!!!


Shawna said...

He's got me beat...I STILL can't whistle! Go Benne!

Chris and Emily said...

Hey Em. I got your comment. Cohen sleeps about 12 hours at night and will still usually take a 1.5-2 hour morning nap and a 2.5 to 3.5 afternoon nap at 18 months old. No one as been super concerned about it either but we pushed to see the sleep specialist simply because sleep apnea is a common risk for kids with dwarfism( this can cause excessive sleepiness). I know you are in such a odd position without really having any definitive info about benne. My best advice for you would just be to ask for an appt. if you want to be can't hurt - though the sleep study wasn't fun.

Some symptoms of sleep apnea are waking grumpy, excessive tiredness during the day, snoring, and waking at night or restless sleep. Cohen didn't really have any of these very dramatically at all and the sleep doctor wasn't too concerned that he might have apnea but did want to check his oxygen input and output through the night.

How much is bennett sleeping?

Chris and Emily said...

sounds like they are sleeping about the same amount....and I totally understand about not wanting to miss something and making sure you do everything possible - we're the same way since we have no confirmed diagnosis. It's hard to not have a road map!! Trust your gut- worse case scenario is that you give yourself peace of mind whenever you rule anything else - sometimes that's worth it.