Monday, February 9, 2009

Ethan is 2 and a Half!

Ethan just turned 2 and a half. I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Ethan's favorite things right now are cars and trucks. He loves to just sit and push Hot Wheels back and forth and watch the tires roll. He continues to love puzzles and now does jigsaw puzzles pretty well. He is really silly, sweet, and polite. He loves to give "hugs and kisses". I hope he never grows out of that.

Ethan also continues to be a really good eater! He loves fruits and fresh vegetables and I would say that his favorite meal would contain pancakes, noodles of any sort, and a bucket of strawberries or blueberries. :)

We haven't made any progress with potty training. I think I pushed him too far awhile back and now he is dead set against it. I know that he is physically ready, but emotionally, he is in love with his diaper! When I tried to put undies on him the other day just for fun, he cried and cried, saying, "I want my diaper! I want my diaper!" Yikes! That is going to be a big hurdle for us. I am thinking about telling him that there aren't anymore diapers anywhere!;) Just kidding, I don't want to completely traumatize him!

Ethan loves to sing and dance too. He's got great moves! I love that he is so into music. His favorite movies right now are Cars and Horton Hears a Who. We never make it through an entire show, but somehow I think he can follow the story line! His favorite books right now are our Usbourne lift-the-flap books about cars, diggers, and farms. He would rather look at a book independently and have you ask him questions about the pictures rather than read it to him.

Ethan has such a gentle soul. He is growing up to be such a loving, sensitive, and good little boy. He is a thankful boy as well. When we pray before putting him to bed each night, he always thanks Jesus for each member of his family...including our dog Maia!

One thing Ethan DOES NOT cooperate for is pictures. Here are the most recent pictures I could find of him that are good. They are only good because he is sitting by his friend Arabella rocking the glider back and forth as hard as they could!:)

1 comment:

Leia H said...

If you add string cheese to his favorite meal, I think you'd have it! :) He is SUCH a smart boy - he amazes me every day. I'm sure Adam will take credit for that ;)