Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bennett's Latest Check-up

We had Bennett's 9 month well-child exam yesterday. He weighed in at 15lbs. 2.5oz, which is less than the 3rd percentile. He is 27.5 inches long (between the 10th and 25th percentile) and his head circumference is 44.5cm (at the 25th percentile). Dr. Nau continues to feel that with the testing that came back normal last time we went, that he is not overly concerned about Bennett's weight. He is interested to know what the genetics department in Iowa City will say on March 17th. He would like us to continue with physical therapy to help him with his gross motor development. He would like to see more progress made in that area, as do we. I am ready for Benne to sit up, I know he will love it!:)

We had his iron tested again yesterday as well. I haven't heard the results yet, but if they are in the normal range, we are going to get to cut back his iron to only once per day. That will be great for Bennett's digestion, I'm sure!

Please pray that Bennett will continue to grow. I'd like to see him pack on a few pounds in the next month!:)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I'll be thinking good growing thoughts! He's such a cute dainty little thing a few years he'll be big and telling you "no!" and you'll think back fondly on his little baby days :-)