Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 Months Old

This post is late, I know, but I have a great excuse...we all have (minus Adam, of course) been sick lately. Bennett and I shared a nice sinus infection infused with an ear ache, and Ethan now has pink eye. You know it has gotten really bad when you call the doctor's office and the receptionist knows you and your kids by name just by the sound of your voice and replies sarcastically with, "Long time no see!"
Here are Benne's 10 month pics. I am about to give up on the sign though. As you can see, he wants nothing more than to eat it instead of pose handsomly by it. I love the color of his eyes right now. They are in the midst of changing to brown.

Here are a couple of pictures of Ethan at around 10 and a half months. The second one makes me smile. Bennett LOVES clapping right now too!

Bennett is trying more and more solids and loves to eat independently with finger foods. Tonight I gave him pieces of sweet potatoes and colby cheese along with his pureed baby foods. He is doing great with a sippy cup as well. We have found that the Take 'n Toss cups that don't have a valve are great for practicing. They don't have a such a hard valve to suck out of, but don't allow the liquid to come pouring out either.

We continue to work on his gross motor development. He is working on scooting around right now. He does it in such a neat way. He will get on his tummy, lay on one side and dig his foot in to move forward, he then gets back on his tummy, digs his other foot in and moves forward again. It works! I am trying to get it on video to share and always remember.

His schedule is similar to the one I posted last. I think that he is slowly getting rid of that 3rd nap for most days.

As I said before Bennett is loving clapping right now. He loves to do "So Big" and raise his arms in the air too. He is still loud and yes, still sweeter than ever.


Brian & Erin Uglum said...

Oh my...I love these pictures and I am missing little Benne so much! I love remembering Ethan at that age too. I love you Bennett and Ethan, so much and am so proud of who each of you are!

Sarah said...

Love the pictures. Bennett is so handsome with a great smile. Sounds like he's doing great! Everytime I read your blog and see the pictures it makes me so happy from before he was born and all the scares to now!! Ethan's baby pics look a lot like Bennett. How cute! They grow up so fast!!

Leia H said...

Oh, and EVERYBODY comments on those eyes!! I tell them they are his mommy's :)

Shawna said...

Aww...i love him eating his little sign! Ethan was such a cutie at that age too!