Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bennett Loves Banana Puffs

Here is a little video of Bennett showing off his puff-eating skills. Notice his little pincher grasp!:) I know it's a little long to be watching him eat puffs...almost 3 minutes, and don't mind my annoying high-pitched voice and the fact that the audio is off. He is precious isn't he!


Brian & Erin Uglum said...

Good job are getting so strong and big! We love you!

Shawna said...

Yay! I must say Benne does a much better job than Sawyer with those! Sawyer loves them, but his preferred "technique" is to slobber all over his hands, then rub his hand around until a puff magically sticks, then rub his sticky hand all over his mouth until the puff somehow gets in there :-)

Leia H said...

I didn't know he was eating those - fantastic! Have you tried Cheerios yet? Goodness knows I'm aware of his pincher grip....