Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bennett is 9 Months Old

Bennett turned nine months old yesterday. He is growing up so fast, it won't be long and we will be planning his first birthday party. He has perfected rolling over and uses it to get what he wants. He is becoming a lot stronger at sitting assisted, but hasn't been able to sit by himself yet. We continue to work with him to bear weight on his legs and he has gotten a little bit better, especially on his right leg. Recently he has learned how to wave and he has caught himself clapping a couple of times. He looks very proud of himself when he does that!

Honk Elmo!

He loves to eat solids, his favorites are fruits...which is the opposite of how Ethan was! As you can see from the post below, he likes banana puffs, and eats them very daintily:) He hasn't gotten any teeth yet. Ethan got his first tooth right around his 9 month birthday, so we are expecting some to pop through soon. He is still nursing 5 times during the day and usually once during the night. His schedule looks a little like this:
7am- nurse and then have solids
8:30/9-10am- nap
10:30- nurse
11/11:30- lunch
12/12:30-2:30- nap
2:30- nurse
4:30/5- nurse
5:30/6- solids
6-6:30/7- short nap (sometimes)
7:30- nurse and go to bed
3/4am- nurse

The last time Bennett was weighed (last Tuesday) he was 15lbs. 5oz. He has not put on very much weight since his last doctor's appointment. We go to his well-child appointment on February 3rd.
Bennett continues to be quite loud! He loves music and still adores the Itsy Bitsy Spider. He likes to play with anything that isn't a toy, in fact, I can't think of what toy is his favorite because his favorite things are an old tylenol bottle, a medicine dropper, a toothbrush, the remote, or my cell phone!:) If he likes a toy, it seems it is always one of Ethan's toys. He LOVES to look at books, and eat them too. He giggles when you sing "Benny and the Jets" by Elton John, laughs when you fake sneeze, dance, play peek-a-boo, and when you rub his hands through your hair.
Notice the GREAT head of hair he has!
See the tylenol bottle?!:)

Ethan put the blame on Bennett for the first time the other day. It was so funny. When Bennett's OT was working with him, we had the couch cushions pulled off of the love seat and Ethan was sitting on one side and Bennett was "working out" along the other side. Ethan pulled the big sticker off of the couch that has the brand name on it. He was shocked at himself and exclaimed, "Benne did it!" We started cracking up because obviously Bennett couldn't do it, and it was a first for, I'm sure, countless more times that Ethan will blame Bennett to get out of trouble!


Shawna said...

Too cute! His hair IS quite awesome....he almost has a natural faux-hawk :-)

...Sawyer just got his first teeth the other day. Emily said basically overnight he had two front teeth---no fussing or anything! Hopefully Benne's come in just as painlessly!!!

Leia H said...

Benny & the Jets - LOL! That's hilarious! His fav toy here is a Winnie The Pooh chewy's been through many a child (since Dee!) and it's always the favorite! It must be a magic toy...

His face is changing so much lately. Especially when he smiles - he looks totally different. Such a great little personality!

Brian & Erin Uglum said...

You are so fun Bennett! I love your smile and that hair, oh my!

Nice job Ethan, sounds like you have it all figured out!

Love you two so much!
Aunt Erin

Sarah said...

I saw this a few days ago, but never commented. I have to say Bennett is looking adorable!!! I can't believe how big he's getting. He's looking more and more like a little boy and less like a baby!! They grow up so fast!! He is really adorable though!!