Sunday, August 3, 2008

All about Bennett

*Bennett is really starting to find his voice and can be very loud at times. He seems so proud of himself after he gives a good squeal.

* He is starting to be able to grasp objects and has found that his hands, not only come together, but he can purposely put them in his mouth. You can tell he is in pure awe of this task!:)

* Bennett likes to have his face covered by a blanket. That is a sure way to calm him down when he is really tired. He likes to sway from side to side, not much for rocking, but for some reason, likes to sway. He is still burying his face when tired too!

* Likes to be patted on the bottom, kind-of fast. This also inevitably assists in releasing gas and poop!:)

* Likes to be swaddled for naps and bedtime. At first he hated being swaddled, but now, if he gets his arm out during a nap he will wake up and fuss. Adam has perfected the tightest swaddle I have ever seen. He says it isn't a good swaddle unless Bennett grunts at the end!

* Likes to have noise while he rests. We play music and have a white noise machine or fan going while he sleeps.
*Doesn't really like to be held much- only when he wants, on his terms. :) Ethan loved to be held even when playing. Bennett likes to play best just laying on a blanket with you.

* Bennett burps fast if you sit him up on your lap. I try to burp him up on my shoulder and it takes so much longer. Another way that Ethan and Bennett are different.

*Bennett gets the hiccups a lot!!! Sometimes they really start to make him mad, especially when they have hung on for a really long time.

* Right now, Bennett will nurse, play, and then take a nap. He is a sleepy-head (more about that in another post), so he usually only stays up for about an hour, including feeding time, and he is ready to rest. When we lay Bennett down for a nap, we swaddle him, put him in his crib, put a blanket up by his face, and give him a kiss. He falls asleep on his own in just a couple of minutes. You can tell when he is tired because of the way that he talks to you. It is a pleading talk! He will cry for only a minute or two if you catch him at the right moment.

* He likes to have the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" sung to him. He loves music and loves watching his brother and mommy dance.

* Loves to have his arms played with. Adam almost ALWAYS can get him to laugh by doing "S00000 BIG" with his arms.

*Bennett has already had 3 "hair-cuts" to Ethan's ZERO...he gets these little balls of hair on the back of his head from when he rubs his head back and forth before falling asleep. It is the funniest thing because all we can do is cut them out.

* I hate to even write this but, because we have a bigger T.V. Bennett really likes it. It is sad when your T.V. is big enough that your 3 month old can watch it!

*Loves watching his big brother...they are going to best pals some day.


Leia H said...

I think I'm going to print this out for our first few weeks! It's fun to write all those things down, because someday you won't remember them all!

Brian & Erin Uglum said...

It sounds like you have him pegged! I miss you guys and the boys...I can't wait to see you all again soon! Give them each a kiss from Aunt Erin!