Thursday, July 15, 2010

35 Weeks Along!

I had a doctor's appointment today, no ultrasound, but I will add picks of my belly later.

Alanna is now lying transverse (sideways) in my uterus. I said to Dr. Hintz, "Oh good, this means that she is just slowly making her way head down because last time she was breech!" Dr. Hintz sarcastically just told me that I can think what I want, but now that she is transverse it will just be easier to turn her later! Due to her sideways position, I am not measuring correctly, but how could I be, right?

Her heart rate was 152 and my level of antibodies due to the Rh sensitization remained at 1:2, no change, which is great news!!

Dr. Hintz moved my ultrasound up a week (7/22) and said that he will also check my cervix again next week...he typically does not do this (he thinks it is pretty pointless), but he is going to make sure I am still not dialating at all since he will probably have to turn her head down eventually.

Please pray that she turns head down. I'm scared of the pain of him turning her again! Would I rather have a c-section, no, but it just REALLY HURTS!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Hope she turns for you! I think I need to talk to people who've had horrible csections, b/c everyone I know who's had them has only said good things, and the quickness and ease of scheduling one greatly appeals to my personality haha :-)