Monday, November 2, 2009

3-5-8 and a Bunch of Words

Bennett went from 3 teeth to 5 last week, and by the end of this week he will have 8, I'm sure of it! I feel awful for him, his mouth looks like a bumpy, swollen mess. Bring on the tylenol!

Also, Bennett's speech is blossoming so much right now. Some of his new words are: yuck, down, I want that, car, duck, kee (for kitty- or anything that comes remotely close:), and pup.

I have tons of cute fall and Halloween pictures to put on here, I'm getting there.

Oh, and I forgot to put on here that Bennett took his first steps!!!! I put it on my Facebook page, but not here. Anyway, his physical therapist is letting Leia borrow a small bench for him to do exercises on. He was sitting on the edge of it last weekend, stood up, and took a couple of steps towards me. He did that several times, but hasn't attempted anything like it since. He is such a chicken! :)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

He's really on a roll! Yay Benne :-)

Can't wait for Halloween pics!