Monday, June 16, 2008

What a beautiful day for a walk, especially with my two boys! Ethan LOVES being outside, as you can see by the absolute joy on his face. Bennett was busy having the hiccups for the third time today, so he didn't enjoy it as much, but isn't he just so sweet. I can't believe how much he has grown. He will be 2 months old tomorrow. He is smiling and cooing like crazy. We have his well-baby appointment on Thursday, I can't wait to see how much length and weight he has gained in the last couple of months.


Shawna said...

Too cute! ...and look at you with your blogging skills :-) I can't believe how big Bennett is getting!!!! They grow up so fast.

You should shoot me an email sometime when you are bored and want company for a day. This weekend I returned from my (snowy) Yellowstone trip and I'm sure I'll be getting bored after about the first week of being home ;-P

Enjoy the nice (and dry!!!) weather

Leia H said...

They are growing so big! Delphina was excited to see little Bennett!